Modernize your Student Experience with Great Conversations

From primary school to post-graduate, our AI admissions agents empower educational institutions to elevate their student experience, offering the best possible interactions.

Our vision

We are dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to improve interactions between educational institutions and their students. Our relentless pursuit of innovation allows us to deliver exceptional, cutting-edge solutions that surpass traditional approaches.

We believe in Inspiration



Our team hardly sits still. We are constantly improving our underlying technology and our user experience. Gimmicks are not our business - we only add battle-tested features that work seamlessly.



Our core focus remains on offering the best possible product. Being one of the first interactions a student might have with your institution is not a responsibility we take lightly.


Ethical Responsibility

Privacy and security has always been top of mind. We secure your data at rest and ensure that student interactions are yours alone. Our founders bring previous experience working in the cybersecurity industry.

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